Majlis Hizb-ul-Ansar

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The meaning of Hizb-ul-Ansar in its spirit is “group of helpers”. In religious terms it means a group of pious people who come together in a sincere and committed effort to help Islam, the Deen of Allah and its followers who are in need of support. Through their support, contributions and donations the education, upbringing and help of poor students, families and the weaker section of society is possible.

Maulana Zahoor Ahmed Bugvi laid the foundation of Majlis Hizb ul Ansar on 5th November 1929 AD for the preservation, propagation of Islamic concepts and principles. The reason behind establishment of this body was the benefit of Muslims so that they could spend their lives in the light of Islamic ideology and teachings in all aspects and manner of life. It aimed to eliminate the social taboos of Hinduism from within the society. So that the Muslims could play their due role in understanding their religion as well as to build knowledge in science and technology through education. So that all muslims male and female could be imparted both the worldly and Islamic modes of education. It aimed to provide help to economically weak Muslim families through monetary, health provision and skill building activities. It aimed to provide dignity and distinction in the Muslim society by following the true and eternal path shown to Muslims through Quran and Sunnah. Maulana Zahoor Ahmed Bugvi was the Ameer of Majlis Hizb ul Ansar from 1929 AD till 1945 AD. Maulana Iftikhar Ahmed Bugvi was the second Ameer from 1945 AD till 1975 AD. Sahibzada Abrar Ahmed Bugvi is the current Ameer of the organization and is continuing the services of the Bugvi Family in Bhera.

Aims and Objectives

Majlis Hizb-ul-Ansar

(Established 1929 AD – 1347 HJ)

  • To propagate Islamic teachings and way of life among general public and students.
  • Protection and response against the Islamic way of life and ideology from both external and internal sources through dialogue, writings, speeches, education and building of unity.
  • To create and infuse among the Muslims the spiritual, cultural and intellectual education based on the fundamental principles and teachings of Islam.
  • To work for creating an Islamic society, way of life, system for prosperity and defense of Pakistan.
  • To establish educational institutes, manage and organize Deeni Madrassahs for the education of Muslim youth to inculcate in them the true spirit of Islam and deep sense of good citizenship.
  • To set up Libraries and reading rooms and to publish magazines, literary matter to infuse and propagate the sacred Islamic spirit, knowledge and theology among the students and general public.
  • To make arrangements of boarding and lodging facilities for the students especially those belonging to the poor families.
  • To teach and propagate the ideology of Pakistan and to create a harmonious and peaceful society among the general public by building personalities of students.
  • To create a spirit of nationality and loyalty for Pakistan among the students so they become good citizens and Pakistanis.
  • To work at providing education, health consultancy, medicines and healthy environment for the poor sections of society.
  • To help the families in need of food, shelter, clothing and basic amenities.
  • To provide help in skill building for the weaker section of society and helping them towards self-sustenance.
The foundation is managed and financed through the contributions of family members, friends, neighbors, well-wishers, donors in multiple cities and towns like Bhera, Sargodha, Lahore, Karachi and Islamabad. These are voluntary donations based on Zakat, Sadqaa, Charity, Donations and Gifts for the needy. These individuals through their monetary help contribute towards the provision of facilities, resources and services to the weaker section of society in the semi – rural, rural areas of Bhera, Buggah, Khanna, Dhook and surroundings. The donors contribute their resources whole heartedly trusting the foundations and gaining the blessings of Allah through their contributions and sacrifice.

Educational Institutions

The educational institutes under care of Majlis Hizb ul Ansar not only provide Islamic and spiritual learning and guidance but also focus on the provision of modern education based on the national curriculum. The education of students belonging to weaker section of society and those desiring to build a career is supported by the organization. The learning, personality, character and capabilities of the young children of Bhera and its surrounding areas is improved. The Dar ul Aloom Azizia, Mehta School, Iqra Elementary school and the industrial home for women is totally dependent on the donation of well wishing people and Ansar.

Healthcare Institutions

Majlis Hizb ul Ansar has played a historical role in providing health facilities in the form of consultant ion, medicine, timely monetary support, health camp, eye treatment and transportation for the people of Bhera and its surroundings. The efforts are ongoing and have been extended to Bugga Sharif and surroundings. The Bugvi Family under the guidance of Dr Anwaar Ahmed Bugvi is always ready and available to launch and execute health related projects in the area.

Publication Institutions

The majlis Hizb ul Ansar takes great care in the publication of magazines, books, articles and essays to highlight Islamic values, teachings and elaborating on the social and community issues in the light of Islam. The Bugvia Library is functioning having historical and latest books on a variety of topics. The Shams ul Islam magazine has been in publication since 1925 AD. Numerous books related to Islam, travelogues, Bugvi Family and history of the region have been published under the organization efforts. The aim of the publication efforts is propogation of the thinking and philosophy of Islam. The organization has a great past where the services of Bugvi Ulema and members Majlis Hizb ul Ansar are exemplary in this regard. The information center established at Jamia Masjid Sher Shah Bugvia guides tourists and visitors about the rich history and heritage of the region.

Social Support Institutions

The organisation provides funds, donation and Zakat to the needy families. Periodic ration drives especially in the month of Ramzan are conducted. The organisation surveys the locality and neighbourhood and keeps a list of needy individuals and families who require assistance and help for survival.

Poetry about Ameer Majlis Hizb-ul-Ansar