Bugvia Family

The Family Tree

The Bugvia Family

Maulana Zahoor Ahmed Bugvi

1900 - 1945
First Ameer, and founder of Majlis Hizb-Ul-Ansar. Administrator, caretaker, and head of the Bugvi family.

Maulana Naseer Ud Din Bugvi

1892 - 1934
Head of the Bugvi family, and caretaker of the Jamia Masjid Bugvia Mosque.

Maulana Iftikhar Ahmed Bugvi

1919 - 1975
Second Ameer, and head of the Majlis Hizb-Ul-Ansar. Caretaker and administrator of the Jamia Masjid Bugvi Bhera.

Hakeem Barkat Ahmed Bugvi

1927 - 1999
Scholar, hakeem, leader, and member of the Bugvi family in Bhera.

Dr. Anwar Ahmed Bugvi

Currently serving as the MS of Mansoorah Teaching Hospital, Lahore. Former Additional Secretary Health, Government of Punjab. Founder and Patron of Al-Iftikhar Bugvia Foundation.

Maulana Abrar Ahmed Bugvi

Currently serving as the Ameer of Majlis Hizb-ul-Ansar. Administrative Head of Sher Shah Jamia Masjid Bugvia, Bhera. Curator of books.

Abu Bakar Bugvi

Former General Manager Pakistan International Airlines. Social worker, and administrative head of Al Iftikhar Bugvia Foundation.

Sahibzada Lamaat Ahmad Bugvi

Community leader, land-owner, social worker, and educationist in Bhera. Team lead of Al Iftikhar Bugvia Foundation.

Sahibzada Riaz ul Hassan Bugvi

Former Teacher Islamia High School Bhera

 Naveed ur Rehman Bugvi

Officer of Pakistan Customs Service CSS Batch 2005 32nd CTP(Common Training Program). Presently serving as Secretary Projects FBR(HQ) Islamabad in Bs-19

 Shahid Ahmad Bugvi


 Naeem ur Rehman Bugvi

1955 - 2012

The Bugvia Family

To survive in this world man does not only needs to take care of his physical health but also needs divine help for the welfare of his spirit and soul. This is why the Al-Rahman and the Al-Rahim sent his prophets among the people so that they could guide them about the Oneness of Allah and provide guidance of the right path. After the death of the Last Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (Peace be Upon Him), the job of the welfare of the welfare of the Ummah and its educational, spiritual and thought progress fell on the shoulders of the companions of the last prophet. This job has been performed further by Ulema in a steady manner through generations and centuries. They have performed their duties of pointing the true path, educating the muslims, and to transmit the teachings of Islam to the population. Through them muslims have been able to attain the favor and closeness of Allah. Numerous Ulema and teachers have worked for the unity and faith in muslims with truth and devotion.

Among this exalted company is the Bugvi Family of the Punjab fulfilling this duty from 17th Century AD, 11th Century Hijri. With the blessing of Allah this family has produced many great Ulema, masters of Hadith and Fiqqah, devoted individuals working selflessly. These Ulema according to the demand of the time and requirements of the muslims gave their best as per ability in different fields despite limited resources.

The famous Bugvi scholar and Saint Abdur Rahman Bin Muhammad Saleh established his home in Punjab in 8th Century Hijri, 14th Century AD. His next of Kin was Maulana Muhammad Hashim Bin Abdullah Bugvi who settled in Buggah Sharif, Present District Jhelum around 1650 AD and gave the population the gift of his knowledge. Maulana Hafiz Noor Hayat Bugvi (1757 AD – 1818 AD) gave proper shape to the efforts of advocating and propagation of Islam. From this far flung and remote area he sent his two sons to Delhi (1814 AD) for attainment of better education. Maulana Hafiz Ghulam Mohiuddin Bugvi and Maulana Qazi Ahmed Uddin Bugvi returned to North Punjab after completion of their studies in Hadith in 1825 AD. Along with education and vocation of Hadith they progressed their efforts through development of Islamic education centers in Bhera, Buggah and Lahore. The Bugvi Family Ulema also played a role of the release and recovery of Badshahi Mosque Lahore from the British in 1856 AD. They also served as Khateeb of the Mosque in Lahore for a number of years.

Bugvi Ulema performed the job of education, publication, propagation and welfare with passion and dignity. Scholars and Ulema of the Sub Continent hold their services and contributions in high esteem. All of these contributions were made to gain the blessings of Allah while their main source of sustenance was through farming. These Ulema considered their job as a means to attaining Allah blessing and glory on the day of judgement. To purify their spirit and to gather more knowledge they established contact with Ulema of Taunsa Sharif, Sial Sharif, Khanka Sirajia Mujadadia (Kundian).

Maulana Zahoor Ahmed Bugvi (1900-1945 AD) reorganized Dar ul Aloom Azizia and revised the curriculum to modern aspects. This Madrassa at Jamia Masjid Bhera has since produced thousands of students. He established a body named Majlis Hizb ul Ansar (1929 AD) that provides services in the field of education, health and social welfare. Maulana Iftikhar Ahmed Bugvi (1918 – 1975 AD) started the study of conventional subjects by forming primary and high schools. He also did tremendous work for helping the needy and the poor.

The journey which has spanned across centuries has been chronologically presented from 1650 AD till present in a series of book volumes named as “Tazkaar-e-Bugvia” by Author Dr. Anwaar Ahmed Bugvi, published by Majlis Hizb ul Ansar, Bhera.

Poetry about Iftikhar Ahmed Bugvi